Friday, 3 April 2009

This site is AWESOME!
Here's what it's all about...

...The Plotting Machine

The project has originated from the workshop »Borderline Functionality« given by Jürg Lehni in 2006. We converted a plotting machine into an output device, that can draw, scratch or cut with almost any traditional drawing technique, in order to achieve aesthetics looking neither drawn by hand nor produced with only a computer. Most interesting and inspiring are all the little mistakes this machine does, because of too much data, too much water, color, pressure etc. This expansion space describes the machine's actual identity. No Image looks like the other.

This would've been soooo useful if I'd known about it before I done the posters for 'What is a line?' My work ended up focusing on typography, and this would've made it much more interesting I reckon! Ah well!! That's typical me for ya! I still thought it'd be cool to post some of the stuff on here though. :)

This was apparently done using wax stratchings. Cool huh?

Cavity rotation stroke raster

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