Thursday, 19 February 2009


This is cool too!
I found it on :)

Circle circle dot dot music video

I was given the link to this awesome video earlier!! It's a-omazing!

'...I got my cooty shot!'

And here's the guy who made it. Apparently all he got was an iphone! :O CHEEK!
Anyways, he just talks about how he makes his animations. He talks about what should be taken into consideration when making videos too. It's quite an interesting video!

String animation

For some reason I can't stop making things look like snakes!!! :s You noticed yet??? Haaaaa!!!
Anyways, yep, another one. 143... or was it 8.. photos. Enjoy!

Certificate 18!

During a group blog session, I watched a video someone had found online of stop animation. Some very clever person had drawn then photographed, then drawn the photographed etc.. on a wall which then lead to other places. He'd painted over what he didn't want to be seen. I thought it was cleve, so I tried to have a go at it myself!! Bare in mind I'm not the best drawer, I wouldn't call this the greated film ever made!

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

What's a line??

After giving a short presentation of my 'What is a line' work, it was brought to my attention that I should focus on stop animation. So, I've been looking at other people's work. Just some random stuff that I find on google or youtube. This, I thought, was rather grand, and cute! ^-^

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Finished book!!

Fiiiiinally! :D It's all done! Yaaaaaaaay!!

Friday, 13 February 2009

End of module self-evaluation

Module Code OUGD101 

NAME Lindsey Marshall BLOG. ADDRESS

1. What practical skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I strongly feel as though my practical skills have developed a lot after completing this module. I personally feel as though my independence has grown to a standard where I’m able to do whatever I need to do, no matter what it is.

2. What approaches to/methods of problem solving have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I genuinely believe my research includes a wide variety of ideas and development. I’ve tried to research as many ways as I can to investigate into a problem, so as to make sure my ideas are fresh and original. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
Even though this module was research based, I feel as though this was my strongest point. As said above, I’ve tried to investigate problems as broadly as possible to get the most interesting information. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

As much as I try not to, I tend to write quite a lot in my sketchbooks instead of just drawing an idea. Even though it may not be as visually engaging as images, I find it helps me a great deal. 
Another reason for my writing, is I’ve never been a great drawer. As rough as the images can be, I really dislike them. I do like drawing, to an extent, but I’d rather be pleased with what I produce rather than dislike it and get embarrassed. 
I sometimes find myself putting off work, just because it doesn’t interest me. When this happens, I find myself rushing not long before a deadline, and when a final outcome is requested, it often shows how rushed it’s been.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. I need to organise my time, to make sure I have plenty for various areas of work.

2. I need to be more positive about my work, and learn to use what skills I have.

3. Use my time more efficiently, making sure I spend the right amount of time needed for a brief.

4. I need to stop moaning and stressing over work and just do it.

5. Look at books to do with drawing to help me improve my skills.

Are there any things we could have done differently that would have benefitted your progress?

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: 
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

Attendance 5 
Punctuality 5 
Motivation 4 
Commitment 4 
Quantity of work produced 4 
Quality of work produced 3 
Contribution to the group 4 

The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self-evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

A book design idea! :O

So I've been putting some serious thought into this whole book design malarky. Just after starting to design the contents of my book, I stumbled over a mahoosive problem. There aren't 100 SIMPLE parts of a car. I'm only gonna be doing the visual pieces of cars, so it'll have nothing to do with any engines and stuff. That'll just confuse me. Anyways, yeah, I got upto around 50 components inside, outside and the accessories of a car. There was no chance in making it up to 100!! So the question was.... 'How do I get around this!?' After a mini chat with a certain Sophie person, as wonderful as she is, reminded me we could just have 100 pages. Why I hadn't thought of that I don't know! Well, ok, I did, but right at the beginning of this thing which takes the name of a 'project'!
I've got a few doodles in my sketchbook of potential ideas. One in particular though, has taken my fancy. So, I made it!

(There would be 3 of these.. 1 for each category)
After making it and seeing what it looks, I'm not overlykeen. It didn't turn out how I expected it to which was quite dissapointing. :( As you can see from above, the pages aren't in line with eachother which is what I wanted! It just didn't occur to me that the gaps between each page would get bigger. Gr. So I did a little more brainstorming, and decided to go back to my initial idea.. a concertina! ...

Each concertina would consist of 10 pages, so the person looking at the whole thing would have to put each book next to eachother for it to make sense. I would have to make 10 books in total for each category, which means, if my maths serves me correctly, I'd have to make 30 books in total!!
After making these, I found the paper (which holds them together) isn't very strong, and often wripped. So I'm going to have to play with other ways to attatch the pages together. I'm gonna try using string and wire, and see what that does. :)
I'm quite happy with this idea. Although I'm not warming to the whole 30 book thing. Something else I'm gonna have to think about, is the presentation. I can't just hand in 30 loose books! Can I? Hm. Well, I might have a look at boxes etc.. and see what simple ways I can present them.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

100 words, statement of intent.

Well we had a little presentation sesh on times!
Because I'd seen a few people using stop animation, I thought I'd take it within myself to have a pop at it! They're quite rubbish, but still, I'm proud of them for my first attempt! The group of people I was presenting too gave me some helpful feedback as to where I could take my research. The majority of them liked my animations, and said they'd like to see me do more. I must say, I was rather chuffed when they said that! :D It's something I'm quite interested in. It amazes me! And it's soooo simple! Anyways, they said I could use lines within buildings; looking at the shapes and structures. Also, colour and mixed media; such as sewing, paints, drawings etc.. was mentioed, as well as lines within type. I was told that drawing from photographs would be quite interesting, so I might play around with that idea and see what I can get from it.
Other than stop animation, it was suggested that I look at the environment. I've already taken a fair few photographs which people liked, so that would also be an interesting path to go further down. This would include urban landscapes and architecture, so this could very well be intercepted with the stop animations.
I think, from the presentation, and getting the feedback, it's quite clear that stop animation was a popular choice. So this is the path I'm most likey going to focus on.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

And here we have, masterpieces number two! Oh yeah! :D

A line video?

I wanted to have a go at stop motion, sooooo.. I grabbed myself some maltersers, paper, and a camera and thought yes!
I've never made one before, so I'll say this, I'm pretty damn chuffed. :)
Please don't laugh! Fanks.

Monday, 2 February 2009


My feelings, in a catshell.

The snow is snowing, and I wanna go play in it!
May go home soon, hmpf.

Sam Winston

One dark, damp evening, a spontanious side of Lindsey took place! :O I decided to take a trip to Waterstones to hunt down a book which was suggested to me; 'Mmm skyscraper I love you'. So, I got there, searched for it on their little computer type things, and assumed it learked on a lonely shelf somewhere in the arty area. Could I find it? Nooooo! So I used my initiative, and asked the young chap at the desk. He had look and gave me that look where you know something poo's gonna be said. Then, he said it. 'I'm sorry, we don't seem to have it in stock. But we can order it for you?' I think you can imagine the look on my face. Utter digust! Soo, I took it within myself to plonk my cute ass infront of the typey area, and take pictures of the pretty insides on books! :) I found quite a few interesting things...

It's safe to say, these are pretty good! I stuck a few in my sketch book too. Well, some other pieces of Winstons work anyways.
I thought his way of working was quite similar to how I want my work looking. His writing has literal structure and is eye catching.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Finally, a book design idea!

So here's an update of my car project.
I have this book type thing at home. It's full of loooooads of different kinds of paper; colours, texture etc.

I don't know why I never thought of it before, but seeing the papers being categorised made me think, why don't I categorise my work?
So far, my categories are as follows:


That's it! :s Should I be worried? Hm.
I've got a decent sized list for each, so I guess it's not so bad.
After this idea, the dreaded question popped into my head:
'Where does 100 come into this!?'
Gay. :(
My aim is to use both type and image, so I guess I could have 100 of them altogether? Or.. simply have 100 words altogether from the categories? Ooh, I can't write what I think! I'm not a writer! Please just understand what I'm trying to say! Kay?
Well yeah, that's it in a nutshell at the mo.