So, here's what I've been upto!!! These are some of my favourite design sheets! :)
Starting from the beginning, these are my inital responses. Because 'what is a line?' is so broad, I decided to narrow it down. I more or less did a design sheet for 'lines in images', 'lines in type', 'lines in patterns' and 'lines in animation'. From them, I more or less had a pathway of interest, so I researched more into animations. I created some of my own stop animations, which I uploaded a while back. They're nothing special considering I'd never done it before!
So anyways, here we are, my toilet man!
I actually quite like this drawing. I've never been confident in my drawings, but using watercolour pencils it quite an interesting way of working.
Here's another of my drawings. I used to draw flowers quite a lot. I find them fascinating. :)
After talking about my work, it was brought to my attention that I should use type within image. So here, I've used type to create an image. In this particular case, I've used the definition I chose of 'line'.
A mark indicating position, connection or boundaries.'
And another drawing using type. This time, I've used words which relate to the actual item. On the stem, I've used the word 'stem'. The same for the leaves, I used the word 'leaf'.
This shows where my work has gone.
I had some wodden letters which I stuck close together. This made me decide to focus mainly on type, rather than try and fit it in with imagery.
So I started with the basic, just playing with type. Using my own handwriting I chose to write the definition I've been focusing on using only one one. I think this works rather well. It looks quite interesting. :)
I began thinking of other medias I could use to write, without using pen or pencil. So, I rummaged (can't spell it!) round to see what other materials I had. I threw some shoes out the other day, and just so happened to keep the shoe laces! So they came in handy. Also, one of the obvious ones was string. So yeah, did that too. I think the string has a nice effect, although I'm not too excited by using it!
This is the shoe lace attempt..

I tried it a few times, but on a reddish coloured paper. I think that looks a lot better than this grey.
I really like the effect the paint makes, even though the words aren't very legible. (On the others they aren't anyways!!)
I think I could carry on using this technique, although I don't have any other coloured paint- not drippy enough anyways!!
I didn't realise we actually had to finish this breif with a final outcome!
So I haven't exactly been working towards making one, which sucks, 'cause now there's only a week and a day left! Keep scrolling..
I started playing with the alphabet. I thought perhaps this could be included in a final outcome?? Like I said, I'm not prepared AT ALL to have a resolution. I thought it was based on research!!! So yeah, a possible typeface?
I really like the way in which this looks. I started off using my normal writing hand, but then attempted with my left! I used my left hand for some of the drawings too, which was earlier on in my work. I think it gives the work more of a character. It's as if it's aloud to be messy. Whereas with a normal writing hand, it's expected to be neat and perfect! Screw that!!!!!

So anyways, here we are, my toilet man!
A mark indicating position, connection or boundaries.'
I had some wodden letters which I stuck close together. This made me decide to focus mainly on type, rather than try and fit it in with imagery.
I also used white paint above the A2 paper to write my definition.
'a mark indicating connection'I tried it a few times, but on a reddish coloured paper. I think that looks a lot better than this grey.
I really like the effect the paint makes, even though the words aren't very legible. (On the others they aren't anyways!!)
I think I could carry on using this technique, although I don't have any other coloured paint- not drippy enough anyways!!
I didn't realise we actually had to finish this breif with a final outcome!
So I haven't exactly been working towards making one, which sucks, 'cause now there's only a week and a day left! Keep scrolling..
I really like the way in which this looks. I started off using my normal writing hand, but then attempted with my left! I used my left hand for some of the drawings too, which was earlier on in my work. I think it gives the work more of a character. It's as if it's aloud to be messy. Whereas with a normal writing hand, it's expected to be neat and perfect! Screw that!!!!!
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