Ok, so I haven't actually created any posts for this yet.. OOPS! I'll have to make up for it now I guess.
Rewinding right to the beginning of all this malarky.. we all had to fill in this form...
Rewinding right to the beginning of all this malarky.. we all had to fill in this form...
One side was about ourselves, the other about what qualities we wanted in our perfect creative partner. Then, we had to make 2 posters. One promoting ourselves, the other stating what we wanted in a partner.
After many hours of reading others posters, we had to choose which one appealed to us most, and ask them to be our partner. I can't believe I did it.. but I did.. I approached the Townend, and to my surprise.. HE ACCEPTED! :D Yaay!!
THEN.. we had to fill in ANOTHER form, after deciding which statement we wanted to concentrate on. (We chose 'Get people to talk to communicate more', by the way!) We had to write why we chose it, and how we'd each put our skills into practice whilst completing this task.
We more or less went our own ways to get our own research, and to think up ideas for the concept. We used the rest of that Monday, and the Tuesday and Wednesday purely for research and idea generation. Thursday, we got together and discussed our preferred ideas. It was a really good day!! We worked really well together, and both put loads of effort into it. I must admit, I did have my doubts at the beginning, but working with Adam was really nice. He may come across quiet, but he certainly knows what he's doing!! :P
Anyway, we came up with a new concept, but we made sure it related back to the original one, and then started thinking of possible outcomes. We more or less decided posters would be the most appropriate idea, so we stuck with that.
The older generation generally looks at teenagers/younger peo
ple as trouble makers. They think they're always getting up to no good, and they do nothing nice in the community. It was kind of based on appearance of youths of today. This is what we wanted to change. People judge others before they know them, and so we wanted to photograph stereotypes; i.e. goths, chavs, emos, skaters etc.. and attach a news story to each, describing a ''heroic'' story about them. I was in charge of photography, and so I approached a few people who seemed unapproachable, and asked to take their photo. They turned out to be really nice!!! I was sat in front of them for a while, debating whether or not to talk to them, and now I'm really glad I did!! It just goes to show, appearance shouldn't have any effect as to whether you talk to someone you don't know.
Anyways, I got around 8/9 people from which I took lots of photos of. I brought the pictures into college, and after a VERY long while trying to decide which 4, yes 4!! to use. We then came up with a few layout ideas, and Adam put full effort into using Illustrator to put the bits and pieces together.
Here are our final outcomes! :)

We also had to put them in context...
A bus stop...

..and an advertising stand outside an off license.

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