Much to my annoyance, my camera decided to break a few days into the holiday. Damn sand. :(
However, I did manage to get a good few snaps during the time I had!!
We went to Albufeira, beautiful beautiful Albufeira! :D
I absolutely love taking pictures whilst on a plane. It's the only good thing about flying in my books! Well, that and landing in a completely different country! XD Who cares if it interferes with the engine? HA!
I love cloud watching!! I'm one of those annoying people who searches for something interesting in the sky. I love the textures too. It's fascinating how fluffy and full they look from the ground looking up, yet when you're in them, its just mist! I think it's time I told you all, clouds aren't solid! And they can't be held! :O I'm sorry. It's like telling a child Santa isn't real. I feel mean.
The photo below actually reminds me of a newspaper article I found whilst I was at home. I managed to rescue it from underneath my cats litter tray! :D I shall talk more about that some other time....

Below is a particular favourite I took whilst on the plane. Being able to see the wing of the plane shows solidity, compared to the transparency of the clouds. The clouds again, show texture as they're both thin and thick in particular areas.
I didn't have the guts to go inside this church. There was a scarey man standing outside of it, talking to himself most of the time. So yeah. Anyways, this was the view from the appartment we stayed at. To the left is a row a convienience shops, along with a few restaraunts. Behind them however, is the best bit! THE SEEEEAAAAA!!!

Below.. another cloud picture. But only because of how strange they are!! They look sooooo wierd! Almost as if they're windswept? We went for 10 days, and whenever there were clouds, they all looked like this! I just thought it was fascinating. :)

This is bloody brilliant! One woman, moulding sand, carving details, creating masterpieces! I've got a few more pictures of these, just didn't wanna bore you with them all! There was like, a whole row of these, with her, just carving away at the tiniest details. I believe she was working on a tiny tiny flower at the time I took this. Patience of what!! And there's me suggesting we all chip in for a bucket and spade to make a pathetic castle!
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