However, I'm sticking to it, and it WILL work!
Thought I'd get a few pics up on here, just to show what I'm batteling against! I've never met such stubborn paper!
This is just a load of paper torn up and whacked into a bowl of water a few inches deep. A blender's ideal when making paper 'cause it needs to turn into a pulp (really mushy!) BUT Lindsey doesn't have one, so I'm having to do EVERYTHING by hand including stirring the damn thing for hours on end! I've actually just mixed a load, so I'm gonna leave it soaking for a while and see if that makes a difference! Hopefully soo!!
However, I'm sticking to it, and it WILL work!
Thought I'd get a few pics up on here, just to show what I'm batteling against! I've never met such stubborn paper!
Beacuse I'm aiming to have each page quite different (to suit each particular feeling), I've had to re-do each batch of mix I make. Make sense? So it's taking longer than ever. Hence there only being only two so far!! But yeah, I quite like them.
I think I'm gonna keep banging them out and see what I've got at the end. These may be used in the final piece, but I'm still in the experimental phase at the mo!
1 comment:
keep at it lindsey. you'll get there in the end. i never would have thought of making your own paper
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