There's so many amazing photographers!!! Personally, I'm more interested in close up imagery, as well as nature shots. Which is why I'm very fond of Andy Goldsworthy. He's a British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist. His art involves the use of natural and found objects, to create both temporary and permanent sculptures which draw out the character of their environment.
He uses and experiements with a wide range of materials, often including brightly-coloured flowers, icicles, leaves, mud, pinecones, snow, stone, twigs, and thorns. He has been quoted as saying, "I think it's incredibly brave to be working with flowers and leaves and petals. But I have to: I can't edit the materials I work with. My remit is to work with nature as a whole."
Here are a few examples of Goldsworthy's work...

I find his work so unique and interesting, and a great inspiration.
Here are a few examples of Goldsworthy's work...

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