Another amazing session! It all kinda feels a little babyish, but it's so cool! Illustrating words and such, using minimal media. It's so tough not to use literally imagery. That's one major problem I have I'm ashamed to say. But hey. It's all good practise.
This session, we wrote down 5 verbs and 5 adjectives. I can't even remember what I wrote, so I shan't go down that path. So yeah, we wrote them down, then stuck them all in the randomizer. We 'randomly' picked one of each, and basically had to do exactly what we done last week... use the coloured paper to create those words. It was a bit more tricky today though, considering we had two words to work with at the same time.
'Happy roll'
'Clapping run'
We then all had the word 'dog', and had to pick an adjective. To clarify, I can't draw dogs to save my life. To start off with, I drew a wiggly tail...? See. I can't draw. :( And just as I thought they would, people guessed this to be a 'fat dog'. GRR.
'boring dog'
I then chose the word 'snake'. So again, we picked another adjective and put the two words together.
'Snake shout'
We then all had the word 'dog', and had to pick an adjective. To clarify, I can't draw dogs to save my life. To start off with, I drew a wiggly tail...? See. I can't draw. :( And just as I thought they would, people guessed this to be a 'fat dog'. GRR.
I then chose the word 'snake'. So again, we picked another adjective and put the two words together.
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