Righto. So we were all given a colour.... I was given the colour purple!
We were told to bring in around 10 items each which matched our colour. It sounded pretty simple at the time. Until we got into college and was told to categorize the tones!! Grrrrr!! It took a bit of debating between the purple group, but we got there. :) We were also told to present the objects in different ways. We chose a cool way.. Basically we made one huge line taking up like, 5 tables! Haa!! Was awesome!! We ended up making a cross-like shape, because of how the colour turns into others. For example, blue. Or red.
Here's a few pics I had to steal (Chloe- the only person who had them on her blog. Well done!) 'cause I didn't have a proper camera at the time. I did however, have my phone which allowed me to take like, 3 or 4 pictures.
So after all the commotion with categorizing, we had to take visually interesting pictures using purples complimentary colour, yellow! Again, here's another picture I nabbed to try and keep up to date.

Great quality for a camera phone picture eh! :D
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