Friday, 30 January 2009
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Visual language icons
This lesson was actually quite good! Baring in mind I can't draw for poo, I don't think I did too bad. :) Happy? I am!!!
I stupidly picked the word, 'money', which is guess wasn't the end of the world, but when it came to broadening my thoughts became a little troublesome.
Due my lack of drawing skills, I stuck to keeping them as simple as possible. We were told to vary the line thicknessess, so I tried. I really did. In my first attempt I did. The one in the bin. *ahem*

I stupidly picked the word, 'money', which is guess wasn't the end of the world, but when it came to broadening my thoughts became a little troublesome.
Due my lack of drawing skills, I stuck to keeping them as simple as possible. We were told to vary the line thicknessess, so I tried. I really did. In my first attempt I did. The one in the bin. *ahem*
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Monday, 26 January 2009
'What's a line?'
1. A mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, took, etc... on a surface
2. Something arranged along a line, esp. a straight line; a row or series; a line of trees
3. A number of persons standing one behind the other and waiting their turn at or for something; queue
4. A row of written or printed letters, words, etc... a page of 30 lines
A line holds everything together.
How many lines do you see in these images?.. Countless!
Even in type...
Book of 100..
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Type in image
Ok, so I kinda know the concept for my final book;
I know it's definitely gonna have type in it - so
mething I'm really int
erested in. I'm aiming to create image with type.
I'll be usi
ng the words/phrases I used in my '100' book. I thought they were rea
lly appropriate, so yeah, I'm gonna stick with them. I've nearly got one image with type done. I'm still debating about it though. I think I just need to play around with the stuff I have and see what I get out of it.
I had a look online at other people's work, and found some pretty interesting images....

Friday, 23 January 2009
Thursday, 22 January 2009
'Cars' stage 2
Now the ''100'' book's finished, I need to make another one! Only this time, there are no rules! :)
We had a crit yesterday, which was really helpful. I was at that stage where I didn't have a clue where to go next! I was given a lot of handy feedback which
involved loads of ideas and various pathways to investigate into;
1. I was told to get out of my sketchbook and start experimenting 3D. ( Which of course, is a very fair comment)
2. Play around with various book binding techniques (still working 3D) and experiment with possible outcomes.
3. Look more at the components of a car, i.e. the door, steering wheel, gear stick etc.
3. Look at car adverts; Mini adventure, Peugeot 107.
4. (As I want to use type) look at various typefaces on roads, signs etc. Take them into consideration.
So it's safe to say, I've got plenty to be getting on with!
In the above image, I've tried seeing the ways in which I can make my book interesting and interactive. I although the inside information could be enough to interest the reader, I want the book to be part of it. It needs to be as original as possible to be as interesting as possible.
So, my idea now, is below.
I will use type to create image. For example.. 'Speed and style' is generally associated with the look and feel of a car. So, above, I've used the words to create a car. (and yes, I'm aware I put a 'b' instead of a 'd'!) I also added the wheels to make it more obvious to the reader what the image is supposed to be.
I reckon this works quite well, and it quite visually engaging.
Depending on the way in which I'd like the outcome to look, I could use a few different techniques to make it work.

I could use Illustrator to create a type path inside a shape. I simply create the shape I want, and type within it.
I could just draw it by hand.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009
'Cars' stage 1
I thought it's about time I got some of my research up! I'll start from the beginning...
Along time ago, in a far away town called Eastbourne, a young girl called Lind
sey did some research. She thought it'd be interesting to look into cars. As easy as it seemed, she found it rather challenging. Ok, that's enough! ..
I chose 'cars' as my subject because I was sooo excited to go home and drive!! I thought I'd be in my car all the time, so I gathered it would be perfect!
Here's a few early bits taken from my sketchbook -
My first train of thought was to get the definitions of the word 'cars'. I got quite a few, so I circled the words I thought were most appropriate.
Also, I attacked the thesaurus, and nicked the other words for 'cars' to form, well what do you know, a car! Effective, no?
I've always been a fan of finding words in people's number plates, so I thought it'd be interesting to gather 100 random ones. So I walked round a car park for aaaages, photographing all these number plates. It's safe to say, I did get a few dirty looks! :s
After another long while, I gathered 100 secondary images from the internet, just to fill out my book a bit.
I had some spare time on my hands, so I sat in a bus stop and tallied every car which passed in 100 minutes (1 hour 40 minutes for all yo' unmathed people!) And then, I thought, I've got a Renault.. so let's narrow it down to them! :D So during my 100 tallying minutes, I counted how many Renaults went passed too. The results were..
'Number of cars' = 1616
'Number of Renaults' = 105
I stayed with the Renault idea, and gathered information. I visited a Renault Garage and took photographs and drawings as well as stealing one of each leaflet available!
As well as others cars, I decided to document the inside of my car. I took 100 photographs of details and parts of the interior. Some turned out well, whilst others didn't.
After a chat with my class mates, an idea was brought up of using French in my ''100'' book. So I read through the magazines and leaflets I'd collected from the garage, and circled 100 words which were most appealing and translated them all into French. I knew I wanted to use type in my book, so having this idea seemed pretty straight forward. I'll admit I did want to make a manual, but that idea fell through, so I was pretty damn chuffed when I got this one! :D
Now on to the designing of the book.
Here are the initial stages of the book design. As you can see, I started with what was asked of us.. the folding of the A1 sheet, and it started to change slowly. I wasn't a fan of folding a huge piece of paper. I found it creased a lot, so I didn't really wanna bother with it. However, I did use the crap version of it as a template. I trimmed it down so it looked more like a book, and numbered the pages. I then used Illustrator to create pages and numbered them the same as my template book. Then I started designing my pages! Here's another photo taken from my sketchbook in the early designing stages.
Here I'm playing around with the words and phrases I gathered from the leaflets. Trying out different layouts and compositions.
And this...
is my final ''100'' book!
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Monday, 19 January 2009
Approaches to the generation and investigation of ideas.
A basic classification of methods for developing ideas identified by Werner Gaede in his book Vom Wort zum Bild.
SYSTEMATIC APPROACH (gathering stuff)
This is based on the systematic collection and modification of components, characteristics and means of expression: such as by structuring and restructuring, enlarging and reducing, combining and extracting, replacing, adding, mirroring or reproducing.
STIMULATED APPROACH (inspiration, ideas)
This is a conscious or subconscious search for inspiration from an external repertoire: in the surroundings, media, in discussion, libraries, etc. The main concern here is the development of analogies and associative approaches, which are then further developed into individual solutions.
INTUITIVE APPROACH (what you aim for)
This is the development of thought process, which is primarily based on internalised perceptions and knowledge, that is to say an internal repertoire. This type of thought process may occur spontaneously, without being evoked specially. This is actually a systematic process that takes place subconsciously.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
For Monday..
Ok, I'm trying to do some quick research before I start making any books. Today's crit I found, quite helpful. Making a manual type book was an idea of mine, so it was cool hearing someone else mention it! It make my mind up for me to do it! :)
I'm just looking at images of manuals on google to see what kind of binding is used more.
I've found out perfect binding's fairly popular. :/ I fancied doing a perfect bound book myself! Hmpf. I think I'll still make one, just for the hell of it! I haven't made a book in aaaages!!
I found this really interesting. It looks really neat and tidy. I don't think a folder will be accepted though! The only poo thing about it. Mind you, without the folder it's more or less velo bound minus the plastic bit holding the leaves together.
Oooh I don't know! I think I'm just gonna make a whole load, and choose which one's best at the end! Plan? PLAN!

I've found out perfect binding's fairly popular. :/ I fancied doing a perfect bound book myself! Hmpf. I think I'll still make one, just for the hell of it! I haven't made a book in aaaages!!

Oooh I don't know! I think I'm just gonna make a whole load, and choose which one's best at the end! Plan? PLAN!
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Visual language - Visual communication
Perspective -
In the graphic arts, such as drawing, is an approximate representation, on a flat surface (such as paper), of an image as it is perceived by the eye. The two must characteristic features of perspective are that objects are drawn:
- smaller as their distance from the observer increases
- foreshortened: the size of an object's dimensions along the line of sight are relatively shorter than dimensions across the line of sight
concave polygon
constructible polygon
cyclic polygon
equiangular polygon
equilateral polygon
lemoine hexagon
regular polygon
regular decagon
regular octagon
regular pentagon
star polygon
acute triangle
equilateral triangle
isosceles triangle
right triangle
Monday, 12 January 2009
Book of 100.... cars
1. State the title and focus of your work in response to the brief.
Title: Cars
Focus: I will research more into my chosen subject. Using my research, I will produce an original and engaging book.
2. Identify specific areas of research that you intend to investigate and methods that you will use.
I already have primary and secondary photographs, magazines, newspapers, definitions, type, tallies, lists, leaflets and drawings. I intend to ask 100 people questions, do some more drawings, and collect relevant objects.
3. Identify specific practical methods and technical processes that you intend to use in order to visually develop your ideas.
I intend on collaging both primary and secondary photographs, type, drawings etc, and editing on photoshop. I feel as though using this method is appropriate, as it'll make the collaging neat and tidy. I intend to experiment using photoshop and illustrator.
4. What methods will you use to evaluate the progress and success of your work?
I will write small evaluations which will be ongoing throughout this project. I'll take note of any input during crits, and use them to improve/inspire my work.
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Friday, 9 January 2009
The anatomy of a book
Some basic units in book design are:
Leaves - individual sheets within a bound book
Pages - leaves have a front and back side, each is referred to as a page
Page Spreads - when bound together, the right (recto) and left (verso) pages are centered on a gutter where they are bound together at a spine

1 - Belly band
2 - Flap
3 - Endpaper
4 - Book cover
5 - Top edge
6 - Fore edge
7 - Tail edge
8 - Right page, recto
9 - Left page,verso
10 - Gutter
Precise arrangement of multiple pages on a large sheet of paper or press sheet. The layout and sequence is such that when the print is folded, bound and guillotined each element of the document is correctly positioned in the correct page sequence or order.
Pagination is the process of dividing and numbering documents into pages. Pagination can include other attribute such as columns, margins, headers and footers. Paginated documents can be viewed on the web or on hardcopy.
There are many different ways to bind books; perfect binding, coil binding, plastic binding, multibinding, velo binding and thesis binding.
Here's an example of each method...
Perfect binding:

Plastic binding:


Velo binding:

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